Re: Technical Observations on SATAN: Issue: VMS and TCP/IP

Carl R. Forsythe (
Fri, 7 Apr 1995 10:23:58 -0700 (PDT)

According to Software Test Account:
> On Thu, 6 Apr 1995, Wietse Venema wrote:
> >
> For some reason when I test SATAN against VMS systems running either UCX or 
> Wollongong TCP/IP stacks the systems crash. 
> This seems to be true for the heavy test only.  Other potentially 
> coincidental events include:
> 	1.  First test on a given node; when system reboots and a test
> 	    is again performed a successful test seems to be made.
> 	2.  The first test uses the FQDN and the second test uses the
> 	    IP address.
> I have no idea where to look? The crash logs do not reveal anything helpful.
> A message coming from SATAN says:
> 	bin/udp_scan: are we talking to a dead host or network?
> NOTE: The hosts were most certainly alive prior to the test.

We noticed the same thing with one of our VMS nodes that happened to 
have SATAN hit it in heavy mode. Since I am not the VMS admin I am not
sure of all the details other than the fact that the machine rebooted when
it was scanned with a heavy scan....I will forward for info as I find


 Carl R. Forsythe  System Administrator, Oceanography Department 
      NPGS Monterey, CA. E-Mail:           
          PGP Version 2.6.2 key available on request